At Red Maple Dental in Asheville, NC, we are taking safety protocols and implementing enhanced workplace infection control measures in accordance with the most current CDC guidelines. We have at least one week’s supply of PPE for our staff and patients on hand at all times. In our office, we have implemented social distancing measures and all team members and patients are screened for COVID-19 symptoms.
Changes to Our Office
Our team is taking stronger measures to ensure the health and safety of our patients and our team. We have installed hi-vac suctions installed on all hygiene chairs. This reduces aerosols and further prevents the spread of infection. Proper handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of most infections, including COVID-19. Team members will be re-trained in proper handwashing techniques and will be required to perform hand hygiene upon arrival to the office, before and after each patient encounter, upon exiting the restroom, and prior to leaving for the day.
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
PPE is a measure that is used to protect both patients and staff. Our dentists wear gloves that are changed between patients. Sometimes gloves are changed multiple times with the same patient, depending on the dental services being performed. When gloves come into contact with other surfaces, like the counter or computer, they will be disposed of. Proper handwashing techniques are followed both before and after putting on gloves. Eye protection including goggles or glasses is normally required for our staff. We are stepping up this level of protection by providing face masks to every member of our staff. Masks act as full-face shields from germs and help prevent infection.
Patient Screening
We are scheduling patients at a reduced capacity. When you arrive in our parking lot for your appointment, call us and we will let you know when we are ready. Please wait in the car or outside until your room is ready. Every person entering the office will be screened with a forehead temperature scan. Anyone who presents with a body temperature of 100.4°F or higher, will be sent home. Every person entering the office will also receive a questionnaire. If any risk factors are suspected, follow-up questions may be required and you may be sent home for the safety of everyone.